Friday, December 26, 2008

What a wonderful day...

Christmas... ah what a wonderful celebration...
The time of the year where all family reunited to celebrate this
most wonderful day..
to celebrate the birthday of our savior...

Friday, September 12, 2008

What an annoying little pest!!!

There is this one girl that we really don't know what to do lg la... haiya.. lazy talking about this girl ow.. She has a boyfriend, well she told us that they were just friends ( but we still think that they were couple.. Daaa!!!). But the weird thing is they treat each other like some kind of couple???!!! WHAT!!!! OMG.. But when we ask about their relationship, you know what she answer? The conversation are below...

We:"Hey actually what is your relationship with him? is he your boyfriend?
The girl:"Eeeee... no la! We're just friend la...ahahaha"
We:"(Whispering with each other) "Doiii, tipu2 lg.. sdhla treat each other like couple still want
to deny lagi..."
The girl:"Ooohhh, mengumpat!!!"
[alah kana tau...]

But lately, she never spend much time with us anymore... Only with her boy "FRIEND".... aiya peduli la... We don't care juga because her attitude toward us is sooooo BAD!!! But when she with her boy "FRIEND" her bad attitude just disappear and change into angel..( For us its not like an angel but much likely like doggie yg gete!!! hahaha..) But shes totally an annoying little pest!!!