Saturday, December 4, 2010

A stroll to be remembered

Wake up earlier than ever on a typical weekend, i'm glad i'm still alive
Being able to breath in the fresh air, ahh.. life couldn't be better
A nice warm bath will start the day
Sipping a glass of fresh orange juice, putting a pure white dress on
With a matching white sandal on my feet
I'm out to take a stroll by the sea side
Smooth breeze ran through my waist length brown hair
Leaving my bangs end up blocking my vision
i slit my bangs to the side revealing my emerald green eyes
but before i can see clearly, i bumped into someone
immediately apologize, i find that it was a guy standing in front of me
with a shoulder length jet black hair and a pair of emerald green eyes just like mine
suddenly realized that he goes to the same school as me and worst
he is my crush, i had this major crush on him since the first day we started junior high
But i never talk to him nor confess
Besides, we are not in the same class and our class are also far apart
"Ohaiyo, Ulquiorra-kun" Just to swept away the awkwardness between us
"Ow, ohaiyo Lorya-san" I'm surprised that he know my name
"Taking a walk at this early hour?" Stupid question, duhh..
"So are you. Wanna join?" He offered
"Uhh, i guess so" I said bluntly but a light blush already on my cheek
this is a rare chance i though as i walk beside him
Another smooth breeze came by sending his sweet scent to me
making my heart skip a beat
"You know, i never really talk to you, i think this is the first time we talked huh?" He broke the silent
"Yeah" still feeling  awkward
Finally sitting on the sand, i picked up a short branch and started doodling on the sand
"Hey, you got some talent there" He said
Soon, he join me doodling various things on the sand
He's pretty talented himself, in my though
Suddenly he stop and turn to me
"Lorya-san, uh.. i know i shouldn't be saying this but i don't want to keep it forever"
"I..uhm.. had this major...crush." sounds more like mumbling than talking
"Mmm?" his words are not clear enough for me to hear as my heart beating like crazy
"Err.. I..uhmm.." still stuck but i wait patiently
"Ore wa anata ga suki (i like you)" He finally said it
I think my face are burning as it turns into the deepest pink
"Honto (really)?" just to ensure that he's not just teasing me
"Mmm" he said confirming
"You know, i had a crush on you since the first day of junior high" I finally confessing, still blushing heavily
He chuckled, his pale skin makes it hard to hide the blush on his cheek
First time seeing him smile in front of me, a thousand butterfly appear in my tummy
While admiring his smile, smooth breeze came again making my bangs a bit messy
Grr, the wind can be troublesome sometime
He reach out his hand and brush my bangs to the side
In a nick of time, he landed his warm, smooth lips on mine
My eyes widened but slowly closing returning his kiss
"Arigato, aishiteru (thank you, i love you)" He whispered in my ear
"I love you too" As i kiss his cheek